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Autodesk Maya

Computer Mouse

Shelby GT500 1967

Shelby GT500 1967 Fire Truck


In Maya my first project was to make a snowman, three spheres and a cone for a nose, after that it was a very simple rambo-style hunting knife although i decided not to display them here though. Instead here you see a computer mouse and a american muscle car. The computer mouse was made after the knife, quite simple but at the time it was kind of a challenge but none the less a fun project!. Next was a american muscle car, of course i choose to make a 1967 Shelby. 

This was quite a big step to take after modeling the computer mouse but i learned a lot and it made my most current project much easier. Which was to make a emergency vehicle in this case a sort of sporty fire truck from Gothenburg. So basically i just started to model some things that you might find on a fire truck and also remodeled my Shelby to a more off-road version. And after about 100h it was done, easily the most fun Maya project so far!

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